The modern way of life is associated with two extremely negative phenomena, namely – immobility and obesity. We wake up, have breakfast, take the elevator down, start our car, and go to work. We spend at least nine hours there. Then we get in our car, go back home, sit down at the table to eat dinner, then relax in the armchair in front of the TV, of course not forgetting to drink some alcoholic drink. This lifestyle leads to immobility and obesity and the onset of serious problems with the heart and our blood vessels. Plaque builds up on the inside of the walls of our arteries and veins. All this can lead to premature aging of the body, heart problems, and increased blood pressure. Combined with the constant stress that is a characteristic attribute of the fast-paced digital world, a person’s health begins to gradually break down. Of course, while our organism is young, it somehow copes with this. But sooner or later, a person realizes that this way of life harms his health, and he begins to look at gyms, where after work he can train. However, will gyms help the young person regain their health and their previous weight? My opinion is maybe.

Many young people visit gyms for keeping healthy

Still, my advice is to focus on outdoor aerobic sports. I think that a person does not need strength and does not need a mountain of muscles. Above all, a person needs endurance, normal weight, perfect heart function, and normal blood pressure, which is a guarantee of clean blood vessels. All this is achieved with aerobic sports in the fresh air and a healthy diet. Then, which sports are aerobic? The name itself tells us that they are associated with high oxygen consumption for a long time during exercise. It is characteristic of aerobic sports that human cells are not deprived of oxygen regardless of the increased needs. So, the main aerobic sports are running, swimming, cycling, and long walking. I will briefly consider only running and walking, which are the most widely available and most popular, commenting more specifically on their benefits and harms.

The main aerobic sports are running, swimming, cycling, and long walking


In fact, one can say a long slow run, which has received the international name of jogging. It is one of the most affordable sports for health. All you need is a pair of comfortable, lightweight, soft-soled running shoes and gear for the different seasons. We have to know that running can be practiced all year round. The places where it is desirable to run in an urban environment are parks, possibly stadiums, sports grounds, and of course, quiet streets without intense traffic. It is preferable, however, that the route be circular so that boredom does not follow us. The duration of the training is from 30 min to 60 min for the more advanced. Running should be done slowly without allowing excessive panting, or in other words, we should breathe freely so as not to deprive the cells of our organism of oxygen. The speed is individual, but for amateurs, a speed between 8 and 9 km/h is recommended. In order to avoid a cold in the throat, it is recommended to breathe through the nose and only sometimes through the mouth.

Running in nature is extremely beneficial

Two questions arise: How many times a week should we run and how many kilocalories do we lose during running? To maintain health, recommend running 5 times a week for 30 minutes, and once a week for 60 minutes, with rest the next day. Of course, after gaining experience, one can plan another kind of weekly plan. The important thing is not to stop, and the human body will tell you what load and frequency to choose. When we practice jogging at a speed of 8 to 9 km/h, we are losing 600 to 680 kcal/h. Therefore, 300 to 340 kcal/h are spent during a 30-minute training. With the pointed plan above, we are going to consume 2100 to 2380 kcal per week.


In fact, one might say sustained brisk walking. This is the most affordable sport for health. It can be practiced until old age. All you need is some comfortable walking shoes with durable soles, as well as outfits for different seasons. Walking can be practiced all year round. The places where it is desirable to walk in an urban setting are parks, mountainous or hilly areas, and possibly quiet streets without city traffic. And when walking, it is preferable for the route to be circular in order not to get bored. The duration of the training is from 60 min to 90 min for the more advanced. Walking should be fast without stopping. Breathing should be free without shortness of breath so that we do not deprive the cells of our organism of oxygen.

Walking in nature is extremely beneficial too

The speed is individual, but for amateurs, a speed between 5 and 6 km/h is recommended. In order to avoid a cold in the throat, it is recommended to breathe only through the nose. If walking is chosen as the main sport, we must exercise every day. How many kilocalories do we lose while walking? When we walk at a speed of 5 to 6 km/h, we are losing 336 to 420 kcal/h. Therefore, if you walk for 60 minutes, seven days a week, you will burn 2352 to 2940 kcal, and if you walk seven days a week for 90 minutes, you will burn 3528 to 4410 kcal. The numbers speak eloquently, namely, with walking you can safely maintain a very good body weight.

RUNNING – benefits and disadvantages


– Running loads the cardiovascular system to a greater extent and the heart rate accelerates to 160 to 180 beats per minute. This leads to a better training of the heart muscle.

– Running wastes less time, which is a very important indicator for young people who go to work.


– Running can cause lower limb injuries (knees and ankles), muscle strains, and other injuries much more easily. That is why you should make muscle stretching and do a good warm-up before running.

– In case of bad weather, for example, heavy rain or snow, training may be postponed.

WALKING – benefits and disadvantages


– Walking puts less strain on the cardiovascular system.

The pulse accelerates from 120 to 140 beats per minute. Therefore, heart muscle training is weaker, but it is a better option for older people.

– Walking makes knee and ankle injuries, muscle strains, etc. much more difficult.

There is almost no need to do muscle stretching or warm-up beforehand, but you should start walking at a slower speed.

– In case of bad weather – rain or snow, the walking may not be interrupted, but you have to do it with appropriate equipment for the weather, for example, an umbrella.

– When you are walking, the loss of calories is very good, even better than jogging, of course, if you walk every day for 60 or 90 minutes.


– Walking wastes more time, which is not very convenient for young people who go to work.

Bulgaria, Sofia, 20.03.2023, Sport 01

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