CP07: Theorem for Change of the Rigid Body Generalized Impulse

ABSTRACT: In this conference paper, a rigid body’s absolute general motion is studied. The rigid body is assumed as homogeneous and unsymmetrical. New additional kinetic characteristics are used. The most important of these are the following: the vector-real generalized velocity of the rigid body, the vector-generalized impulse of the rigid body, and the vector-real generalized force of the rigid body. Using these new kinetic characteristics, a new theorem is defined. It is called the Theorem for change of the rigid body generalized impulse. With its help, the differential equations in matrix form are obtained. These equations describe the rigid body’s absolute general motion. Two cases are studied – a pole that coincides and does not coincide with the rigid body mass center. The new theorem enriches the theory of Rigid Body Mechanics. Compact matrix equations provide an excellent opportunity for studying the most complicated dynamic models. They are suitable for numerical solutions with modern mathematical programs such as MatLab, MathCAD, and others.


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