A21: Vibrations of Elliptical Disc from Inertial Excitations

ABSTRACT: The article examines the three-dimensional vibrations of an elliptical disk. It is rigidly connected to a horizontal cylindrical shaft. The normal axis to the plane of the disk makes an acute angle with the axis of the shaft. The shaft is considered to be a cylindrical perfectly elastic and weightless rod with stiffness of bending and twisting. The supporting joints have linear elastic characteristics set by appropriate coefficients. The three-dimensional vibrations of the disk are caused by an inertial excitation that is developed in its plane. The study includes the determination of the matrices of mass and inertial properties, the stiffness matrix, as well as determination of the generalized force. A specific program in the area of MatLab-Simulink has been created for the study of small three-dimensional vibrations. The laws of motion, velocities, and accelerations for all generalized coordinates are obtained. Numerical calculations by varying the angle between the plane of the disk and the shaft are performed. Relevant conclusions are created regarding this influence.


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